Many investors have the mistaken belief that choosing investments is Financial Planning. While the choice of investments may be a part of Financial Planning, it plays a relatively minor role. As CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professionals, we offer Financial Planning as a separate service for clients. We are educated and have experience identifying client needs and goals and charting a path to reach them. The process involves in depth conversations with the client(s) to determine financial goals and priorities, along with the current and future assets available. After we gather the data, we create a customized Financial Plan, often with multiple scenarios. Then we will present recommendations to achieve the stated financial goals. While we can’t promise that the client will achieve all their financial goals, we believe it’s better to plan for the future than wish for the best. Not all our clients will want a formal Financial Plan, and some clients who want the plan prefer to manage their own investments. The Financial Planning service is separate from the management of investments for these reasons. Contact Majestic Financial to discuss which scenario is best for your needs.