Change happens. But these days it seems to be happening more.
Does your financial plan have you prepared for these potential changes in your life? Do you have a trusted advisor who you can turn to when change happens? At Majestic Financial, we understand that as you progress through life, your situation can change in many ways. Priorities change with each chapter of your life. Needs, wants, and wishes change as well. Others’ needs, wants, and wishes sometimes replace your own. At Majestic, we take a holistic approach to financial planning, from knowing your exact financial needs and future wants, to advising you in all "what if scenarios". For example, you plan on retiring in five years but suddenly get laid off. What is your best strategy moving forward that still lets you reach your retirement goals? Your adult child needs sudden help with major health care bills. Are you prepared? You want to be able to support your grandchild who fell on hard times after college. How do you do this while still allowing your assets to cover the retirement you desire. These are just some situations in which it pays to both have a comprehensive financial plan and a group you can trust. We help clients reach their goals by developing plans specifically for them and their situation. There is no one size fits all when it comes to investing. Everyone is different with unique goals, tolerances to risk, income levels, debts and various other ingredients that make up not only your financial picture but life situation as well. When we develop a plan, we discuss the financial numbers in your life, and even more importantly, we want to know about you personally, your family, goals and what is important to you. When we partner together to work in this way, a financial plan is no longer just a plan, it comes alive and can adapt with you as you experience inevitable changes. This hopefully makes the plan a lot more successful and the unexpected a lot less stressful. Change is inevitable in life. Life is not stagnant. We help you become aware of possible life changes that you will go through on your journey so you can be prepared and understand the options available to you to best navigate these situations. These changes could very well be opportunities. Written by Leon Bennett, Chief Operating Officer, Majestic Financial, Financial Consultant, RJFS *Any opinions are those of Leon Bennett and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James. The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. There is no assurance any of the trends mentioned will continue or forecasts will occur. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Comments are closed.
This blog is a collective effort from the Majestic consultant trio, Sean Budlong, Brandon Wilkins, and Leon Bennett.
December 2024
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